Real Estate

Real Estate

“The best investment on earth is earth.”

Louis Glickman

N&A ‘s attorneys have extensive experience advising clients on investment in real property in Greece, including advising on complex real estate transactions and resolving real property disputes. We provide consultancy services to international clients and high net worth individuals investing in the Greek real estate. We have successfully represented clients in complex real estate sales and purchases, short and long-term leases, timeshare agreements, construction contracts, combination deals, project financing, sale and lease back agreements, tenant eviction proceedings, hotel management agreements, establishment of condo-hotels and diligence work to identify potential transaction risks and mitigate the same.

We have also supported foreign clients for the acquisition of Golden Visas based on real estate investments in Greece. We have also assisted clients to qualify for non-dom status under the Greek non-dom tax regime.

By way of example, our firm has advised the owner/developer with respect to the following transactions:
Radisson hotel group comes to Athens!
Radisson Hotel Group to Debut Upscale ‘RED’ Brand in Athens